Minutes of All Age Schools Forum Meeting

Monday, 24 May 2021


Huw Lloyd, Nerys Hurford (Translator), Elaine Sharpling, Gareth Jones, Mark Ford, Dorian Pugh, Leah Crimes, Richard Owen, Trystan Edwards, Carys Llewellyn, Alex Southern, Robert Jenkins, Mel Thomas, David Haynes, Jane Wyn, Rhian Phillips, Laurel Davies, Alma Harris, Kirsty Retallick, Sarah Hopkins, Dewi Owen.



HLl welcomed all and explained the translation system.

  1. ES discussed TSD’s vision for PGCE, namely transforming teaching in schools. Developments have been disrupted by Covid for the second year – it has been a roller coaster. The changes to PGCE were presented (see attachment). To summarise, the intention is to move away from performance to professionalism and from box-ticking to evidence. Autonomy, agency, an open mind and collaboration are the values promoted.

  2. HLl presented the new website. He thanked all who have been involved with providing content. There was tour through the pages/tabs of the website. The intention is to add more content to the Schools tab in future as well as more research and content agreed by members. Under Additional Resources, there are two documents, A Guide for Parents and Why Should I Send My Child to an All Age School? Schools may use both as a framework for their own documents or adapt them. Within Live Research, the hope is to publish two research articles in 2022 which have been held back by Covid. Under International Partners, research work on AAS is in one place for the first time. The hope is to move forward together with this work. HLl explained that an AI system has been used in order to ease the translation load. If there are corrections/updates, they should be sent to info@allageschoolsforum.cymru. There was a number of positive comments about the website on Chat and from members and guests.

  3. AS spoke about returning to the research after Covid. This was started on three areas, Leadership, Pedagogy and Wellbeing where the intention was to publish the outcomes on small posters and on the website. It will be necessary to see where schools are with the research currently and training is available with Swansea University. Presently, AS is gathering the enquiries and publishing them. She has looked at AAS questionnaires. Schools need to be under as little pressure as possible but there is a real dearth of research on the areas under consideration. Alma Harris noted that the research was about to be presented to Kirsty Williams but this was not possible due to Covid. There is a need to do this. The research has links with Iceland, Spain and Finland. The project is also looking at other countries. The focus is the same, namely Leadership, Pedagogy and Wellbeing. The questionnaire is very useful in these areas. HLl said that three separate meetings will be held for the schools who are involved with the research. Also, he said that there have been about 300 visits to the new website since midday on Friday, including some from France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, USA and Canada.

  4. Mark Ford has been looking at how everything concerning AAE can be brought together. (see Attachment). The Forum is the only place where this information is gathered outside WG. He congratulated HLl on his vision for the Forum and said that aspects of it are examples of networks, research and moving forward in AAE and the CfW. MF asked schools to create a ‘playlist’ on the importance of formal and informal networking. AAS Forum can be used as an example. He also asked if AASF could be used to showcase successful networking, the challenge of a closer focus on action research and the Golden Rules for more successful networking from a school perspective. Up to three schools ae needed to play a lead role. £300 a day is available to produce the playlist by October Half term. Dewi Owen, Llanfyllin and Kirsty Retallick, Ysgol Nantgwyn agreed to represent English medium schools. Dorian Pugh, Ysgol Henry Richard and Trystan Edwards, Ysgol Garth Olwg agreed to represent Welsh medium schools.

  5. HLl – The next general Forum meeting will be at the end of the Summer Term to see if it is possible to restart school visits and to find a way forward for the research. The date will be on the website. He thanked the guest speakers for their contribution.

Meeting ended at 11.00 a.m.

Minutes recorded by Catherine Hart


Presentation by Mark Ford

PGCE (Primary and Secondary pathway) by Elaine Sharpling

English English Cymraeg Cymraeg