All Age Schools Forum – Research Questionnaire Submission
Participating School or Schools:
Ysgol Godre’r Berwyn
Local authority and / or Consortia?
Participating Staff researchers:
Bethan Emyr, Maria Jones, Glesni Evans, Sioned Roberts
Developing a New Curriculum for Wales., Developing Learning & Teaching in all age school setting.
If “other” please state:
Rationale for the choice of theme:
There is a need to experiment and trial new methods of education while moving towards the Curriculum for Wales. There is a need to develop learners’ independence and inquiry skills. Facilitate the transition from year 6 to 7.
What was the research question?
Do project lessons in years 7 and 8 promote learners to use their inquiry skills independently?
What research design was used?
Educational Research. (Examining education and learning)., Practitioner Research. (Research by school practitioners).
If “other” please state.
Research methods used.
Questionnaires., Focus Groups.
If “other” please state.
How was the funding used to resource the design? (Please tick all that apply)
Staff cover., Staff visits.
If “other” please state.
What were the research objectives?
Facilitate the transition period for year 7 students by offering provision similar to that offered in primary, by introducing project lessons to the timetable. The aim was to continue developing skills introduced in MDaPh lessons through planning cross-curricular activities and providing opportunities for learners to independently inquire and solve problems.
What were the research outcomes?
The project lessons have been very successful, and all learners are enthusiastic within the lessons. The children’s independent skills have certainly developed, and the four purposes are being developed naturally. There is a noticeable increase in staff confidence to experiment with their planning and pedagogy.
How has the research process impacted the school?
- Scheduling – Ensure that there are 3 project lessons weekly for year 7 and 8.
- Independent inquiry skills – significant increase
- Planning – staff confidence in planning cross-curricular activities has developed.
- Education – staff confidence to experiment, share good practices, and trial new ideas has developed.
What, if any, are the potential areas for follow-up research?
Are project lessons more effective with mixed ability groups or similar ability groups?
How have any changes resulting from the research been implemented?
- Sharing sessions and good practices with the whole school staff.
- Very close collaboration between the project lessons team to plan and ensure consistency.
Can the school make recommendations to other schools based upon the research?
We will certainly continue to hold project lessons and continue to experiment to further develop.
Ethical research practice
The school confirms that the inquiry detailed above was conducted in accordance with the 2018 British Educational Research Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. These guidelines include participant consent, transparency, the right to withdraw, incentives, avoidance of harm, privacy and data storage, and disclosure.
Report Author:
Bethan Emyr Jones
Report Date:
Bethan Emyr, Maria Jones, Glesni Evans, Sioned Roberts
Schools included in the research:
Ysgol Godre'r Berwyn
Bethan Emyr Jones
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