Minutes – Monday, 9th May 2022

Minutes of All Age Schools Forum Meeting

Monday, 9 May 2022


G.Jones, K. Owen, Mark Thomas, C. Crockett, K.Retallick, N. Griffiths, S. Hopkins, C. Price, K. Olsen, H. Lloyd-Jones, E. Baldwin, D.Owen, R. Rees, R. Owen, E.Cavender-Morris, D. Parfitt, Sharon J.Luca, Mel Thomas,C. Llewellyn, D. Pugh, B. EJ, J. Owen, D. Hughes, A. Jones, C. Webb, T. Edwards, L. Weatherley, R. Stevens, M. Purnell, J. Wyn, R. Lloyd.



  1. The money received from Taith has gone to WG

  2. Ll. asked members if they wished to return to face-to-face meetings and action research. KO and D. Pugh stated that face-to-face was more beneficial in terms of greater learning/collaboration/networking/ conversation. It was agreed to return to face -to-face meetings. The following schools have agreed to host Forum meetings:- Abertillery (autumn term), Llanfyllin (Spring term), Caer Elen (Summer Term).

  3. Ll. stated, for the benefit of newcomers, that pre-Covid, meetings had been held in schools and on Zoom during the pandemic. There is a list of schools who have volunteered to take part in the second phase of action research on the website, including the lead schools for each project. £4000 can be claimed for this per school and the outcomes to be produced at the and of the two years. In the previous phase of research, one out of three has completed the findings. Kevin Palmer is aware of the two incomplete projects; however, this will not be acceptable for the second phase. H.Ll. / CH will contact schools to set up meetings re. the research. Schools can decide on the outcome of their research e.g., a two-page resume. The research will be less formal than that undertaken with Swansea University.

    Karl Napiarilla was instrumental in obtaining the first phase of money. He is convinced that the AASF could set up its own CPD programme and that WG would fund this rather than relying on the regions to provide it, e.g., teacher exchanges between schools for days/a week. H.Ll. is to speak to KN for further detail and WG regarding setting this programme up. RR stated that there is a void in in AAS training, so this is needed. John Luker stated that he is working with a nationally funded MA in Education, Wales. This delivered by NAPL across Wales for year 3-6 practitioners. This is delivered thematically by seven out of the eight HEIs in Wales as a set of accredited TP modules. JL stated that the resources should be available to members of the forum. (197469@live.stmarys.ac.uk)
    K.O. asked where the training is for ‘middle age’ practitioners. It was noted that Coleg y Drindod/St. David’s trains some students in this phase and that Bangor University has a pilot scheme for six students where a hybrid model is being developed which will come online next year. The Open University has a similar model. Swansea University currently has a primary model but is offering a secondary option.

H.Ll. thanked all for attending and commented that further links have been made.

The date for the next forum meeting in Abertillery is to be arranged.

H.Ll. requested any one with SEBD experience to speak to him after the meeting.

Meeting ended at 3.00 p.m.

Minutes recorded by Catherine Hart
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