Minutes – Wednesday, 14th June 2023

Minutes of All Age Schools Forum Meeting

Wednesday, 14 June 2023


B. Emyr, H. Lloyd, H. Lloyd-Jones, J. Luker, A. Morgan, G. Jones, Ff. Porter, H. Bonner, T. Owen, J. Owen, B. Thomas, L. Crimes

Apologies: T. Edwards, D. Owen, C. Crockett
Chair: H. Lloyd



BE thanked attendees for making the effort to attend the meeting and welcomed them to the school.

WhatsApp Group
HLl mentioned that a suggestion has been made regarding the creation of a Whatsapp group to facilitate communication between group members. The group agreed to this. An email to the Forum will ask for the mobile phone numbers of those who were not present.

Forum Research
HLl has had a discussion with WG about the Forum research. They are keen for it to appear on the website by December 23. HLl presented the form that will need to be filled in at the end of the research and emphasized that it should be kept brief. There is no need for a very detailed report on how the £4,000 was spent, but mention can be made of e.g. supply staff, as the Forum receives direct funding from WG. Links to relevant documents or anything else that will be useful to other schools should be included. Bullet points are acceptable. The form will also be on the website, as well as being delivered to Forum members.

JL said that it would be possible for Kevin Palmer to get more details about the basis of the research if the Forum wants to publish more widely or take the research further. JL offered to assist schools to create their documentation, if necessary, stating what type of research it is, what type of data was used and how ethical issues were dealt with.
HLl agreed in terms of publishing the research but said it was only for inclusion on the website.
The form will go out in an email to the Forum.
HLl asked JL to help create an opening statement for the research.

Event for pupils
HLl said that, in the previous meeting, there was a discussion about holding an event/activity involving pupils. WG is keen for this to happen. Around £10,000 is available to subsidize the cost of e.g. buses and accommodation. A visit to St David’s, was suggested, as 2023 is the Year of the Pilgrim. AM said that Rachael Thomas was willing to arrange the visit to take place before October half term. Possible accommodation for pupils and how many of them would attend was discussed. It was suggested that School Councils/Senedd members attend. RT will share her vision about the visit with LA or it could be discussed on the Whatsapp group.

Next Meeting
HLl asked if it would be possible to hold the meeting at Ysgol Llanharri because the Forum has not visited. FfP will ask Rhian Phillips. BT offered to host the second meeting at Ysgol St. Brigids, Rhyl and noted that the school is in special measures. HLl said that this was not important as Ebbw Fawr needed significant improvement when the Forum visited. HL-J offered to host a meeting in Bro Caereinion in 2024 when the school is more established.
Attendees asked about schools that do not send representatives to the Forum’s meetings. HLl said that a number of schools had received research funding and do not attend. Some are expecting an inspection and they might attend after these.

Forum Visits
HLl said that he had discussed visits similar to those before Covid e.g. Scotland, Sweden. He asked for ideas re. further visits. He will contact the head of a school in Spain but it would be possible to visit schools that have been visited before. There are all ages schools in Australia too.

HLl thanked BE for a warm welcome and energetic and interesting presentations. He asked for the presentations to be sent to the Forum for the resources section.

Meeting ended at 2.00 p.m.

Minutes recorded by Catherine Hart
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